Sunday, May 24, 2020
Criminal Justice Associate Degree Online Understanding and Beating Procrastination 2019
Considering earning a criminal justice associate degree online? Dont let procrastination stand in the way of your education goals. Criminal Justice Associate Degree Online: How Much Time does the Average Adult Have? Procrastination is one of the biggest, daily time wasters. The average adult needs 56 hours a week to sleep, 50 hours to work (including commute time), and 21 hours to do daily chores and eat. Out of a 168 hour week, this leaves 41 hours of free time! That is valuable time that could be spent pursuing a criminal justice associate degree online. Criminal Justice Associate Degree Online: Understanding Procrastination Unfortunately, much of those 5 hours and 51 minutes of free time every day get eaten up by procrastination. Some of the major causes of procrastination over enrolling in a criminal justice associate degree online include: Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of completing a criminal justice associate degree online. Reacting to daily demands rather than completing important goals like earning a criminal justice associate degree online. Waiting for the right time to enroll in a criminal justice associate degree online. Fear of failure or success at completing a criminal justice associate degree online. .u1abbb22d87ed43350bb3cfef975376a0 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u1abbb22d87ed43350bb3cfef975376a0:active, .u1abbb22d87ed43350bb3cfef975376a0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u1abbb22d87ed43350bb3cfef975376a0 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u1abbb22d87ed43350bb3cfef975376a0 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u1abbb22d87ed43350bb3cfef975376a0 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u1abbb22d87ed43350bb3cfef975376a0:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Prepare for Leadership Positions with a Criminal Justice Administration ProgramCriminal Justice Associate Degree Online: 3 Steps to Overcoming Procrastination 3 simple steps can help to banish procrastination from standing in the way of education goals. Recognize when procrastination is happening. Determine the reasons behind procrastination toward enrolling in a criminal justice associate degree online. Make a plan! For example, break a criminal justice associate degree online program into manageable steps instead of looking at the whole application and study process. To take the first step towards enrolling in the Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice program at the Online, fill out this information request form. Additional criminal justice resources and links to criminal justice programs are available through, the leading education and career resource website. Related ArticlesInternational Business Associate Working Professionals Find Free Time for SchoolOnline Nursing Degree BSN Students Share Time Management StrategiesAssociate Degree in Criminal Justice Online Is That Program Really AccreditedAssociate Business What do Employers Think About Online DegreesCriminal Justice Education Through Distance LearningCriminal Justice Associate Degree Kaplan Graduates Improve the Lives of Women in the Criminal Justice System .u5cb57a215f55fd3e70f8023d1e816762 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u5cb57a215f55fd3e70f8023d1e816762:active, .u5cb57a215f55fd3e70f8023d1e 816762:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u5cb57a215f55fd3e70f8023d1e816762 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u5cb57a215f55fd3e70f8023d1e816762 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u5cb57a215f55fd3e70f8023d1e816762 .postTitle { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u5cb57a215f55fd3e70f8023d1e816762:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Earning a Master's Degree in Health Administration
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay about Effects of Organizational Culture on Police...
This essay discusses the effects of the police organizational culture on a Police officer’s ability to make independent decisions. Every culture is composed of four elements: â€Å"values, norms, beliefs, and expressive symbols†(Peterson, 1979, p. 137). Each police officer is influenced by the police organizational culture during training. After graduation fro the police academy, the officer is influenced by the more experienced officers of the department. Research conducted by several authors has found that peer influence never ceases even after years of experience in the field. Throughout life, people change their point of views by the impact of the people they encounter and the structure of society. Although people initially†¦show more content†¦The belief systems found in the police organizations is the idea that crime is only fault by police officers who dislike patrolling of their local communities. Police are above the law in a secrete brotherhood , while the general public are ignorant, obstructive and overly demanding. The anarchic ideas embedded into the officers can lead to misuse of power, misconduct and corruption. The composition by recruiting officers is to manufacture loyalty and conformity by implying the craving to seek approval during training and later by experienced officers during their career. Leading officers frequently influence new recruits by their unethical behavior and poor decisions making. Many officers are aware of the wrong behaviors, while others justify their actions by the principles â€Å"us versus evil†that â€Å"justifies all that police do to control their turf, including righteous abuse of suspects and malcontents†(Crank, 1998). Most officers will follow their footsteps out of fear, rejection, and becoming cut off from the organization. Although, a small percentage of officer keep their common sense and independent decision making skills in their job performance; to avoid becoming an outcast officers adhere to the â€Å"code of silence†out of survival. In many cases, retaliation is not an option for officers because this is their lively hood for theirShow MoreRelatedThe Code Of Ethics And The Police Department848 Words  | 4 PagesOrganizational climate is essential in developing a culture of incorruptible individuals and this climate is set by the organizations leaders. Within the SCORE unit of the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department (KCKPD) at the time of the indictment, it was not clear if leaders set a tone of ethical conduct, nor did it appear that principled conduct was the cornerstone of the command leadership philosophy. Specifically, all ethical standards for Kansas City Police Department are derived from WyandotteRead MoreCorruption of Foreign Governments Essay1214 Words  | 5 Pag eseconomic decision making, be it by private economic agents or by government officials. Corruption is always kept secret and therefore individual behavior of corrupt agents is almost impossible to observe systematically in real life. The objectives of government are vital to the understanding of the diverse negative effects of corruption on the public service. Corruption renders governments unable or unwilling to maximize the welfare of the public. It distorts agents decisions andRead MoreEssay On Patient Safety743 Words  | 3 Pagesthese procedures, the commission publishes safety guidelines, some of which suggest what measures organizational leaders should take to improve healthcare quality and patient safety. 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Many police department and citizens within the communities collaborate and they more effectively address underlying issues, cha nge negative behavioral patterns, and allocate resources. Bureau of Justice Statistics defines community policing as, â€Å"A philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques between the police and the community. These situations addressRead MoreThe Importance Of An Effective Organization, And The Characteristics Of Effective Police Agencies Essay1124 Words  | 5 Pagesthree sections of this paper. The first section will define and explain what effectiveness and efficiency are, the characteristics of an effective organization, and the characteristics of effective police agencies. The second portion will identify a particular crime-related problem, which Overland Park Police Department faces with support of data from our crime analysis unit. Utilizing the concepts of effectiveness and efficiency, the last section will review our current strategies for addressing theRead MoreThe Case Of The Criminal Justice System1259 Words  | 6 PagesFirstly, we mus t bear in mind that discretion is not just restricted to police officers. In fact, it is prevalent in almost every facet of criminal law. The criminal justice system in the United States allows the use of discretion widely through the police, defense attorneys, prosecutors, judges, parole officers. However, as the ostiaries of the justice system, it is the police who make perhaps the most critical decisions. They are the ones who must decide how to diffuse a particularly heated crisisRead MoreJob Design And Job Enrichment849 Words  | 4 Pagesmanagers to understand and implement in their operations. Circumstances change within a job, company, and culture quite frequently. This changes the procedures followed by employees. Added tasks and different polices can increase job stress and effect performance. To stay ahead of these issues it is recommended to perform a frequent analysis of goal setting, job structure, and organizational context. In the case study we reviewed we found that different principles of goal setting can be appliedRead MoreThe Elements Behind Policing And Police Culture3506 Words  | 15 PagesThe Elements Behind Policing and Police Culture by Tyneiseca Epps Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Master of Science in Criminal Justice Seminar in Law Enforcement Mississippi Valley State University November 18, 2014 The Elements Behind Policing and Police Culture Introduction A police force is a constituted body of persons empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property, and to limit civil disorder. Their powers include the legitimized use of force. The termRead MoreMost Interesting Day of My Life1471 Words  | 6 PagesORGANIZATION CULTURE INTRODUCTION: Culture is something that a person learns from his family and surroundings, and is not ingrained in him from birth. People in every workplace talk about organizational culture ,that mysterious word that characterizes a work environment .Culture is difficult to define, but you generally know when you have found an employee who appears to fit your culture. He just feels right. Culture is the environment that surrounds you at work all of the time. Culture is a powerful
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Bernard Surname Meaning and Origin
The common Bernard surname derives from the Germanic given name Bernhard or Beornheard, meaning strong or brave as a bear, from the elements beran, meaning bear and hardu, meaning brave, hardy, or strong. The Bernard surname has appeared with several dozen different spelling variations, originating in a number of different countries. Bernard is the 2nd most common surname in France. Alternate surname spellings: Barnard, Bernart, Berndsen, Bernhard, Bernhardt, Bernaert, Benard, Bernat, BernthSurname origin: French, English, Dutch Where in the World Do People With This Surname Live? According to surname distribution data from Forebears, Bernard is the 1,643rd most common surname in the worldâ€â€most prevalent in France, and in countries with a French-speaking population or French histories such as Haiti, the Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Belgium, and Canada. WorldNames PublicProfiler also has the surname as most common in France, followed by Luxembourg and Canada (especially on Prince Edward Island). Geopatronyme, which includes surname distribution maps for different periods of French history, has the Bernard surname as fairly common throughout France during the period 1891–1915, although slightly more common in Paris, and the departments of Nord and Finistà ¨re. The popularity in Nord has continued to increase, now topping the list by a large margin. Famous People With This Last Name Claude Bernard - French physiologist; pioneer in the introduction of blind experiments and the discovery of homeostasisCatherine Bernard - French novelistÉmile Bernard - French painterÉmile Bernard - French composerTristan Bernard - French novelist and playwright Genealogy Resources How to Research French Ancestry - Learn how to research your French family tree with this guide to genealogical records in France. Includes information on both online and offline records including birth, marriage, death, census and church records, plus a letter writing guide and tips on sending research requests to France.Family Genealogy Forum - Search this popular genealogy forum for the Bernard surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Bernard genealogy query.FamilySearch - Explore over 2.3 million historical records which mention individuals with the Bernard surname and its variations, as well as online Bernard family trees.GeneaNet - Includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Bernard surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. References Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Scientific Management, Taylorism, And Management
F.W Taylor introduced a scientific management, Taylorism, in the early 20th century to solve the problem of inefficiency. The aim of Taylorism is to maixmise productivity and minimise waste of resources using specialisation of labour. There are three main components of Taylorism and it will be discussed in detail in the later paragraphs. Firstly, according to Rose, M. (1978), Taylor believes that the root of inefficiency is the slacking and soldiering of workers. And irrational and incompetent of managers. He further explained the idea of inefficacy by stating ‘managers are incompetent is because of the growth in scale and technical complexity of industry’. In order to dealt with the slackness of worker, the worker should be closely control and supervise by inspector. This ensures that no one will shirk during work and the chance of worker making mistakes are minimized. Hence worker will produce the maximum effort which leads to increase in productivity. Taylorism also suggested the use of hierarchy organization structure which means separating the decision maker, usually the managers and the people who receive orders from the managers and implement it. This is because he believes that people with no management skills will not be able to make a right decision and hence may leads to a waste of resource s. Besides supervision, Taylor asserted that managers should apply their professional knowledge on managing their worker and plan the work. For example, calculating theShow MoreRelatedTaylorism and Scientific Management1910 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿For centuries, scholars, philosophers, and lay-persons alike have been concerned about the issue of management. This includes management of processes, people, things, events, and societies all with the focus of the basic motivations that drive individuals to become most productive. Of course, outside of Maslows Hierarchy, we know that compensation has historical been a great motivator, but in the modern age, there are more complex motivators that focus more on individual actualization. As longRead MoreScientific Management, Or Taylorism, Is A Theory Of Management1929 Words  | 8 PagesScientific Management, or Taylorism, is a theory of management by F. W. Taylor that analysed how the highest economic efficiency, especially labour p roductivity, can be achieved, hence the greatest prosperity for both employers and employees. The four principles that he brought forward are the replacement of the ‘rule of thumb’ work method with a scientific way to study work, matching and training the most suitable person to do each particular job scientifically instead of leaving the workers toRead MoreTaylorism Is A Scientific Management System1480 Words  | 6 PagesTaylorism is a scientific management system that was developed by Fredrick Taylor in the 1880s. Taylorism works in a method based on F. Taylor’s scientific study of accomplishing different tasks instead of empirical methods or methods inspired by past experience and knowledge. Taylorism also tends to scientifically train and help develop employees’ skills instead of letting them train themselves during their time in the workplace. Another principle of Taylorism is that it gives comprehensive andRead MoreThe Advantages Of Taylorism ( S cientific Management )1747 Words  | 7 Pagesand disadvantages of Taylorism (Scientific Management) In the late 19th century, Frederick Winslow Taylor, a mechanical engineer, created the theory of scientific management (or Taylorism). Scientific management intends to achieve efficiency by increasing worker productivity, predictability by standardising and dividing up tasks and control by creating a hierarchical working environment (Huczynski Buchanan, 2013). This essay will argue that the only real advantage of Taylorism is that it has beenRead MoreScientific Management - Taylorism Essay990 Words  | 4 Pages‘Scientific Management’ is a managerial development theory that was proposed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 1880s. It was designed to apply scientific methods to the management of work organisations in order to improve economic efficiency and labour productivity. This theory is also well known as ‘Taylorism’ and has had a significant impact in the history of organisational management. Scientific management has had many benefits in the work org anisation such as the division between workers andRead MoreTaylorism or Scientific Management Principles at Ford Motors Company1835 Words  | 8 Pageswith the role of Taylorism or scientific management in a specific organization. The primary focus will be to critically discuss how the various methods of scientific management are applicable to the chosen organization, which in this case will be Ford Motors. The essay will describe F.W. Taylors early work life and techniques of scientific management and its success. It will then go on to discuss the production methods at Ford Motors prior and post the application of the management principles alongRead MoreTaylorism, Scientific Management, Is a Theory of Management Methodology That Emphasizes on Maximising Work Efficiency.2200 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction Taylorism, additionally known as Scientific Management, is a theory of management methodology that emphasizes on maximising work efficiency. Developed and named after an American industrial engineer, Frederick Winslow Taylor. Through thorough use of a stopwatch and a clipboard, Taylor put all his research and outcomes into a book called the Principles of Scientific Management, which was later published in 1911. In the monograph Taylor’s notion was to mend the economical proficiencyRead MoreHuman Relations Theories : Scientific Management And Taylorism And Human Relation Theories2542 Words  | 11 Pages Introduction The never-ending discussion about the superiority of one out of two different managerial approaches – Scientific Management and Taylorism and Human Relation Theories - took its place since the beginning of 20th century. One of the most well-known Human Relations Theories is on employee empowerment. However, pinning down an actual definition on term of empowerment due to its wide scope is highly problematic (Woodside, Martin; 2007). Some authors view it as giving authority and decision-makingRead MoreDespite Many Criticisms, and a Wealth of Newer Theories on the Topic of Managing People, Taylorism (I.E. Scientific Management) Is Alive and Well in the 21st Century.2422 Words  | 10 Pagesof newer theories on the topic of managing people, Taylorism (i.e. Scientific Management) is alive and well in the 21st century. The purpose of this essay is to show that Taylorism (Scientific Management) is still alive and well in the world today despite the many criticism and newer theories of management. The essay will be structured into four main headings. In the first section we will be looking and the definition if Taylorism and how Taylorism is implemented in the 21st century. In the secondRead MoreScientific Management in France and China1709 Words  | 7 PagesScientific management How was Taylorism received outside the USA? Contrast the reception of Taylorism in two different countries, one Western, one Asian, in your answer. Introduction Frederick W. Taylor with a group of followers who rallied alongside with him examines management in the late ninetieth and early twentieth century. Scientific management then came along from Taylor’s studies of time management and productivity in an organization. It had made its first appearance in the USA which
Forward the Foundation Chapter 20 Free Essays
string(38) " use talking to your father about it\." 22 Yugo Amaryl said, â€Å"Here you are again, Dors.†â€Å"Sorry, Yugo. I’m bothering you twice this week. We will write a custom essay sample on Forward the Foundation Chapter 20 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Actually you don’t see anyone very often, do you?†Amaryl said, â€Å"I don’t encourage people to visit me, no. They tend to interrupt me and break my line of thought. Not you, Dors. You’re altogether special, you and Hari. There’s never a day I don’t remember what you two have done for me.†Dors waved her hand. â€Å"Forget it, Yugo. You’ve worked hard for Hari and any trifling kindness we did for you has long been overpaid. How is the Project going? Hari never talks about it-not to me, anyway.†Amaryl’s face lightened and his whole body seemed to take on an infusion of life. â€Å"Very well. Very well. It’s difficult to talk about it without mathematics, but the progress we’ve made in the last two years is amazing-more than in all the time before that. It’s as though, after we’ve been hammering away and hammering away, things have finally begun to break loose.†â€Å"I’ve been hearing that the new equations worked out by Dr. Elar have helped the situation.†â€Å"The achaotic equations? Yes. Enormously.†â€Å"And the Electro-Clarifier has been helpful, too. I spoke to the woman who designed it.†â€Å"Cinda Monay?†â€Å"Yes. That’s the one.†â€Å"A very clever woman. We’re fortunate to have her.†â€Å"Tell me, Yugo-You work at the Prime Radiant virtually all the time, don’t you?†â€Å"I’m more or less constantly studying it. Yes.†â€Å"And you study it with the Electro-Clarifier.†â€Å"Certainly.†â€Å"Don’t you ever think of taking a vacation, Yugo?†Amaryl looked at her owlishly, blinking slowly. â€Å"A vacation?†â€Å"Yes. Surely you’ve heard the word. You know what a vacation is.†â€Å"Why should I take a vacation?†â€Å"Because you seem dreadfully tired to me.†â€Å"A little, now and then. But I don’t want to leave the work.†â€Å"Do you feel more tired now than you used to?†â€Å"A little. I’m getting older, Dors.†â€Å"You’re only forty-nine.†â€Å"That’s still older than I’ve ever been before.†â€Å"Well, let it go. Tell me, Yugo-just to change the subject. How is Hari doing at his work? You’ve been with him so long that no one could possibly know him better than you do. Not even I. At least, as far as his work is concerned.†â€Å"He’s doing very well, Dors. I see no change in him. He still has the quickest and brightest brain in the place. Age is having no effect on him-at least, not so far.†â€Å"That’s good to hear. I’m afraid that his own opinion of himself is not as high as yours is. He’s not taking his age well. We had a difficult time getting him to celebrate his recent birthday. Were you at the festivities, by the way? I didn’t see you.†â€Å"I attended part of the time. But, you know, parties of that kind are not the sort of thing I feel at home with.†â€Å"Do you think Hari is wearing out? I’m not referring to his mental brilliance. I’m referring to his physical capacities. In your opinion, is he growing tired-too tired to bear up under his responsibilities?†Amaryl looked astonished. â€Å"I never gave it any thought. I can’t imagine him growing tired.†â€Å"He may be, just the same. I think he has the impulse, now and then, to give up his post and hand the task over to some younger man.†Amaryl sat back in his chair and put down the graphic stylus he had been fiddling with ever since Dors had entered. â€Å"What! That’s ridiculous! Impossible!†â€Å"Are you sure?†â€Å"Absolutely. He certainly wouldn’t consider such a thing without discussing it with me. And he hasn’t.†â€Å"Be reasonable, Yugo. Hari is exhausted. He tries not to show it, but he is. What if he does decide to retire? What would become of the Project? What would become of psychohistory?†Amaryl’s eyes narrowed. â€Å"Are you joking, Dors?†â€Å"No. I’m just trying to look into the future.†â€Å"Surely, if Hari retires, I succeed to the post. He and I ran the Project for years before anyone else joined us. He and I. No one else. Except for him, no one knows the Project as I do. I’m amazed you don’t take my succession for granted, Dors.†Dors said, â€Å"There’s no question in my mind or in anyone else’s that you are the logical successor, but do you want to be? You may know everything about psychohistory, but do you want to throw yourself into the politics and complexities of a large Project and abandon much of your work in order to do so? Actually it’s trying to keep everything moving smoothly that’s been wearing Hari down. Can you take on that part of the job?†â€Å"Yes, I can and it’s not something I intend to discuss. Look here, Dors. Did you come here to break the news that Hari intends to ease me out?†Dors said, â€Å"Certainly not! How could you think that of Hari! Have you ever known him to turn on a friend?†â€Å"Very well, then. Let’s drop the subject. Really, Dors, if you don’t mind, there are things I must do.†Abruptly he turned away from her and bent over his work once more. â€Å"Of course. I didn’t mean to take up this much of your time.†Dors left, frowning. 23 Raych said, â€Å"Come in, Mom. The coast is clear. I’ve sent Manella and Wanda off somewhere.†Dors entered, looked right and left out of sheer habit, and sat down in the nearest chair. â€Å"Thanks,†said Dors. For a while she simply sat there, looking as if the weight of the Empire were on her shoulders. Raych waited, then said, â€Å"I never got a chance to ask you about your wild trip into the Palace grounds. It isn’t every guy who has a mom who can do that.†â€Å"We’re not talking about that, Raych.†â€Å"Well then, tell me. **You’re not one for giving anything away by facial expressions, but you look sorta down. Why is that?†â€Å"Because I feel, as you say, sorta down. In fact, I’m in a bad mood because I have terribly important things on my mind and there’s no use talking to your father about it. You read "Forward the Foundation Chapter 20" in category "Essay examples" He’s the most wonderful man in the world, but he’s very hard to handle. There’s no chance that he’d take an interest in the dramatic. He dismisses it all as my irrational fears for his life-and my subsequent attempts to protect him.†â€Å"Come on, Mom, you do seem to have irrational fears where Dad’s concerned. If you’ve got something dramatic in mind, it’s probably all wrong.†â€Å"Thank you. You sound just like he does and you leave me frustrated. Absolutely frustrated.†â€Å"Well then, unburden yourself, Mom. Tell me what’s on your mind. From the beginning.†â€Å"It starts with Wanda’s dream.†â€Å"Wanda’s dream! Mom! Maybe you’d better stop right now. I know that Dad won’t want to listen if you start that way. I mean, come on. A little kid has a dream and you make a big deal of it. That’s ridiculous.†â€Å"I don’t think it was a dream, Raych. I think what she thought was a dream were two real people, talking about what she thought concerned the death of her grandfather.†â€Å"That’s a wild guess on your part. What possible chance does this have of being true?†â€Å"Just suppose it is true. The one phrase that remained with her was ‘lemonade death.’ Why should she dream that? It’s much more likely that she heard that and distorted the words she heard-in which case, what were the undistorted words?†â€Å"I can’t tell you,†said Raych, his voice incredulous. Dors did not fail to catch that. â€Å"You think this is just my sick invention. Still, if I happen to be right, I might be at the start of unraveling a conspiracy against Hari right here in the Project.†â€Å"Are there conspiracies in the Project? That sounds as impossible to me as finding significance in a dream.†â€Å"Every large project is riddled with angers, frictions, jealousies of all sorts.†â€Å"Sure. Sure. We’re talking nasty words and faces and nose thumbing and tale bearing. That’s nothing at all like talking conspiracy. It’s not like talking about killing Dad.†â€Å"It’s just a difference in degree. A small difference-maybe.†â€Å"You’ll never make Dad believe that. For that matter, you’ll never make me believe that.†Raych walked hastily across the room and back again, â€Å"And you’ve been trying to nose out this so-called conspiracy, have you?†Dors nodded. â€Å"And you’ve failed.†Dors nodded. â€Å"Doesn’t it occur to you that you’ve failed because there is no conspiracy, Mom?†Dors shook her head. â€Å"I’ve failed so far, but that doesn’t shake my belief that one exists. I have that feeling.†Raych laughed. â€Å"You sound very ordinary, Mom. I would expect more from you than ‘I have that feeling.†‘ â€Å"There is one phrase that I think can be distorted into ‘lemonade.’ That’s ‘layman-aided.’ â€Å" â€Å"Laymanayded? What’s that?†â€Å"Layman-aided. Two words. A layman is what the mathematicians at the Project call nonmathematicians.†â€Å"Well?†â€Å"Suppose,†interjected Dors firmly, â€Å"someone spoke of ‘layman-aided death,’ meaning that some way could be found to kill Hari in which one or more nonmathematicians would play an essential role. Might that not have sounded to Wanda like ‘lemonade death,’ considering that she had never heard the phrase ‘layman-aided’ any more than you did, but that she was extraordinarily fond of lemonade?†â€Å"Are you trying to tell me that there were people in Dad’s private office, of all places. How many people, by the way?†â€Å"Wanda, in describing her dream, says two. My own feeling is that one of the two was none other than Colonel Hender Linn of the junta and that he was being shown the Prime Radiant and that there must have been a discussion involving the elimination of Hari.†â€Å"You’re getting wilder and wilder, Mom. Colonel Linn and another man in Dad’s office talking murder and not knowing that there was a little girl hidden in a chair, overhearing them? Is that it?†â€Å"More or less.†â€Å"In that case, if there is mention of laymen, then one of the people, presumably the one that isn’t Linn, must be a mathematician.†â€Å"It would seem to be so.†â€Å"That seems utterly impossible. But even if it were true, which mathematician do you suppose might be in question? There are at least fifty in the Project.†â€Å"I haven’t questioned them all. I’ve questioned a few and some laymen, too, for that matter, but I have uncovered no leads. Of course, I can’t be too open in my questions.†â€Å"In short, no one you have interviewed has given you any lead on any dangerous conspiracy.†â€Å"No.†â€Å"I’m not surprised. They haven’t done so, because-â€Å" â€Å"I know your ‘because,’ Raych. Do you suppose people are going to break down and give away conspiracies under mild questioning? I am in no position to try to beat the information out of anyone. Can you imagine what your father would say if I upset one of his precious mathematicians?†Then, with a sudden change in the intonation of her voice, she said, â€Å"Raych, have you talked to Yugo Amaryl lately?†â€Å"No, not recently. He’s not one of your sociable creatures, you know. If you pulled the psychohistory out of him, he’d collapse into a little pile of dry skin.†Dors made a face at the picture and said, â€Å"I’ve talked to him twice recently and he seems to me to be a little withdrawn. I don’t mean just tired. It is almost as though he’s not aware of the world.†â€Å"Yes. That’s Yugo.†â€Å"Is he getting worse lately?†Raych thought awhile. â€Å"He might be. He’s getting older, you know. We all are. Except you, Mom.†â€Å"Would you say that Yugo had crossed the line and become a little unstable, Raych?†â€Å"Who? Yugo? He has nothing to be unstable about. Or with. Just leave him at his psychohistory and he’ll mumble quietly to himself for the rest of his life.†â€Å"I don’t think so. There is something that interests him-and very strongly, too. That’s the succession.†â€Å"What succession?†â€Å"I mentioned that someday your father might want to retire and it turns out that Yugo is determined-absolutely determined-to be his successor.†â€Å"I’m not surprised. I imagine that everyone agrees that Yugo is the natural successor. I’m sure Dad thinks so, too.†â€Å"But he seemed to me to be not quite normal about it. He thought I was coming to him to break the news that Hari had shoved him aside in favor of someone else. Can you imagine anyone thinking that of Hari?†â€Å"It is surprising-†Raych interrupted himself and favored his mother with a long look. He said, â€Å"Mom, are you getting ready to tell me that it might be Yugo who’s at the heart of this conspiracy you’re speaking of? That he wants to get rid of Dad and take over?†â€Å"Is that entirely impossible?†â€Å"Yes, it is, Mom. Entirely. If there’s anything wrong with Yugo, it’s overwork and nothing else. Staring at all those equations or whatever they are, all day and half the night, would drive anyone crazy.†Dors rose to her feet with a jerk. â€Å"You’re right.†Raych, startled, said, â€Å"What’s the matter?†â€Å"What you’ve said. It’s given me an entirely new idea. A crucial one, I think.†Turning, without another word, she left. 24 Dors Venabili disapproved, as she said to Hari Seldon â€Å"You’ve spent four days at the Galactic Library. Completely out of touch and again you managed to go without me.†Husband and wife stared at each other’s image on their holoscreens. Hari had just returned from a research trip to the Galactic Library in Imperial Sector. He was calling Dors from his Project office to let her know he’d returned to Streeling. Even in anger, thought Hari, Dors is beautiful. He wished he could reach out and touch her cheek. â€Å"Dors,†he began, a placating note in his voice, â€Å"I did not go alone. I had a number of people with me and the Galactic Library, of all places, is safe for scholars, even in these turbulent times. I am going to have to be at the Library more and more often, I think, as time goes on.†â€Å"And you’re going to continue to do it without telling me?†â€Å"Dors, I can’t live according to these death-filled views of yours. Nor do I want you running after me and upsetting the librarians. They’re not the junta. I need them and I don’t want to make them angry. But I do think that I-we-should take an apartment nearby.†Dors looked grim, shook her head, and changed the subject. â€Å"Do you know that I had two talks with Yugo recently?†â€Å"Good. I’m glad you did. He needs contact with the outside world.†â€Å"Yes, he does, because something’s wrong with him. He’s not the Hugo we’ve had with us all these years. He’s become vague, distant, and-oddly enough-passionate on only one point, as nearly as I can tell-his determination to succeed you on your retirement.†â€Å"That would be natural-if he survives me.†â€Å"Don’t you expect him to survive you?†â€Å"Well, he’s eleven years younger than I am, but the vicissitudes of circumstance-â€Å" â€Å"What you really mean is that you recognize that Yugo is in a bad way. He looks and acts older than you do, for all his younger age, and that seems to be a rather recent development. Is he ill?†â€Å"Physically? I don’t think so. He has his periodic examinations. I’ll admit, though, that he seems drained. I’ve tried to persuade him to take a vacation for a few months-a whole year’s sabbatical, if he wishes. I’ve suggested that he leave Trantor altogether, just so that he is as far away from the Project as possible for a while. There would be no problem in financing his stay on Getorin-which is a pleasant resort world not too many light-years away.†Dors shook her head impatiently. â€Å"And, of course, he won’t. I suggested a vacation to him and he acted as though he didn’t know the meaning of the word. He absolutely refused.†â€Å"So what can we do?†said Seldon. Dors said, â€Å"We can think a little. Yugo worked for a quarter of a century on the Project and seemed to maintain his strength without any trouble at all and now suddenly he has weakened. It can’t be age. He’s not yet fifty.†â€Å"Are you suggesting something?†â€Å"Yes. How long have you and Yugo been using this Electro-Clarifier thing on your Prime Radiants?†â€Å"About two years-maybe a little more.†â€Å"I presume that the Electro-Clarifier is used by anyone who uses the Prime Radiant.†â€Å"That’s right.†â€Å"Which means Yugo and you, mostly?†â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"And Yugo more than you?†â€Å"Yes. Yugo concentrates fiercely on the Prime Radiant and its equations. I, unfortunately, have to spend much of my time on administrative duties.†â€Å"And what effect does the Electro-Clarifier have on the human body?†Seldon looked surprised. â€Å"Nothing of any significance that I am aware of.†â€Å"In that case, explain something to me, Hari. The Electro-Clarifier has been in operation for over two years and in that time you’ve grown measurably more tired, crotchety, and a little out of touch. Why is that?†** â€Å"I’m getting older, Dors.†â€Å"Nonsense. Whoever told you that sixty is crystallized senility? You’re using your age as a crutch and a defense and I want you to stop it. Yugo, though he’s younger, has been exposed to the Electro-Clarifier more than you have and, as a result, he is more tired, more crotchety, and, in my opinion, a great deal less in touch than you are. And he is rather childishly intense about the succession. Don’t you see anything significant in this?†â€Å"Age and overwork. That’s significant.†â€Å"No, it’s the Electro-Clarifier. It’s having a long-term effect on the two of you.†After a pause, Seldon said, â€Å"I can’t disprove that, Dors, but I don’t see how it’s possible. The Electro-Clarifier is a device that produces an unusual electronic field, but it is still only a field of the type to which human beings are constantly exposed. It can’t do any unusual harm. In any case, we can’t give up its use. There’s no way of continuing the progress of the Project without it.†â€Å"Now, Hari, I must ask something of you and you must cooperate with me on this. Go nowhere outside the Project without telling me and do nothing out of the ordinary without telling me. Do you understand?†â€Å"Dors, how can I agree to this? You’re trying to put me into a straitjacket.†â€Å"It’s just for a while. A few days. A week.†â€Å"What’s going to happen in a few days or a week?†Dors said, â€Å"Trust me. I will clear up everything.†How to cite Forward the Foundation Chapter 20, Essay examples
Rising Rate of Divorce in Present Society -
Question: Discuss about the Rising Rate of Divorce in Present Society. Answer: Introduction: The research managed to collect both primary and secondary data relevant Magnagement to the research topic by using various research techniques. Data was collected from members of the society through the use of survey questionnaire administered among a selected heterogeneous sample representing the larger society (Milner, et al. 2013). The respondents comprised of both the divorced, currently married, those currently dating as well as other stakeholders in the marriage institution such as religious leaders, parents of both couples, civic leaders among the general members of the society. This group of people were willing to give information that was relevant and ensured that the research problem was adequately addressed. The research used a survey questionnaire whose structure was subdivided into three parts to enable the respondents to give adequate data. To determine the variations in the divorce rate among different, the first part of the questionnaire required the respondent to give information regarding their gender. The questionnaire was made easy to understand and answer by providing multiple choices from which the respondent was to choose the most appropriate answer to address the question (Vignoli Ferro, 2009). For instance, the respondent was required to mark in the provided boxes with five pre-defined choices including; Agree, Strongly Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, and No Comment. The survey questionnaire was designed in a manner that enabled the research to answer to answer the research questions which included; What do you think is the main reason behind the increasing rate of divorce among couples? Does the number of years the couples have been in marriage affect the chances of divorce? What is your opinion on divorce? It was discovered that indeed, the rate of divorce is on the rise in the present society as compared to yester years. The respondents registered varied reactions on the validity of divorce with some supporting it especially where cases of unfaithfulness arose while others regarding it as an evil that leads to the suffering of the innocent children. It was discovered, that among those who were divorced, a large percentage of men moved on and got married again than their female counterparts who in most cases were observed to be living single lives. Moreover, among those who were divorced, the research observed that the divorce cases were higher among employed women who were financially stable than their counterparts who had no jobs and relied on their husbands for financial support (Hendershott, et al. 2009). It was discovered that children who were embroiled in the divorce caucus were psychologically Management affected and registered low performance in academic performance. A good number of couples who had divorced were observed to be engaged in alcohol drinking while at the same time, many of these couples especially women admitted that they were still in love with their couples and would wish to move back to the marriage if the spouses apologised and changed. On the other hand, a considerable number of divorced couples especially those from abusive marriages regretted getting married and admitted never to fall in love and get married again (Halford, et al. 2008). A mong those who were still in marriage, a good number admitted that they were not happy in the marriage and could wish to divorce. However, they admitted that they were held into the unhappy marriages due to reasons such as concern for their children as well as lack of financial capabilities to support themselves away from their spouses (Reimondos, et al. 2011). Unfaithfulness among couples was recorded as the biggest reason behind most divorce cases. The other reasons that were cited as being behind the increasing divorce rate were gender freedom, economic reasons, urbanization, social support, religion, legal systems, Babies as well as cultural factors. Regardless of whether marriage is built on the foundation of love or is arranged, all marriages entail compromise and understanding. It was discovered during the research that the main reasons behind divorce revolve around the general lack of compromise and understanding among couples. For instance, couples become unfaithful to one another because they fail to compromise their sexual feelings for the sake of their marriage, couples divorce for economic reasons because they fail to understand the economic situation of one another and the situation is similar to all the reasons behind divorce (Narayan Smyth, 2007). The widespread gospel of women empowerment across the world is also plays a significant role in the rising rates of divorce in the present society. The institution of marriage is based on tolerance, perseverance, submission and understanding. These are the tools that held marriages for a long time in the traditional days. However, today, with the gospel of women empowerment Management, women have assumed a different role. Most have misunderstood the concept of being equal to men and assume that being submissive means being subdued by men and as a result many easily do no preserve challenges and will simply walk out from their spouses in the name of gender freedom. Economic situations also play a significant role in the rate of divorce in the modern society. Divorce is a socioeconomic phenomenon heavily dependent on the economic growth, cultural support, available labour opportunities as well as career mobility (Booth Kee, 2011). Lack of the capability of the couple to provide for the needs of the family leads to high chances of divorce among such families. Cases of divorce are higher among the rural, uneducated populace of Aust ralia where there is a high rate of unemployment. The high rate of divorce in the present days is also attributed to urbanization. In the towns, people tend to mix with friends and colleagues from varied cultures. Through the cultural interaction and exchange, they tend to embrace divorce as opposed to the other conventional ways of domestic conflict resolution. Moreover, urbanization leads to the disintegration of the social fabric. For instance, as a result of a spouse being posted to work in the urban areas, the family social support is reduced as one spouse may be left to fend for themselves without proper guidance and counselling hence raising the chances of divorce. This research also established that religion is also one of the factors affecting divorce (Heard, 2011). It was discovered that divorce rates were high among couples who did not belong to the same religion. On the other hand, among the couples of the same religion, divorce cases were low. This is because religion provided a platform for the couples to sit down and be guided and counselled on marriage issues. Similarly, through religious doctrines, the couples could easily understand and respect the institution of marriage hence reducing the chances of divorce. Furthermore, babies were cited as one of the reasons behind divorce. Varied opinions among the couples on the issue of babies, for instance, the number of babies to have as well as the inability of one spouse to bear children is also a major factor that contributes to the high divorce rates in the present society. Conclusion Marriage is an important institution that shapes the existence of society Management. However, due to poor priorities that drive marriage in the modern days, cases of divorce are on the rise. For instance, marriage in the western countries such as Australia is founded upon sex than in the east. As the couples grow older, sex becomes less engaging and as a result cracks beginning forming on the relationship hence the reason behind the high cases of divorce among older couples in the west. The biggest casualty of the rising cases of divorce in the present society is the child who is innocent and does not deserve the predicament that comes as a result of the separation of the parents (Burns Scott, 2013). High are the cases of neglect as a result of the parent indulging in alcoholism as a way to release the stress of having lost a loved one through divorce. The children also are forced in many circumstances to change the learning environment as well as the living area which affects the overall performance of the child. For the sake of the children and the entire society, measures should be put in place by both parents to ensure that cases of divorce are reduced. Recommendation Measures have been put in place to reduce the rampant cases of divorce in the present society. However, much needs to be done to reduce the consequences of divorce to the society. Some of the measures to be put in place include; Adequate sensitization to make the public informed on the effects of divorce. Legal restrictions should be put in place to reduce divorce rate and ensure that the interests of children are taken care of in the event of divorce. References Booth, A. L., Kee, H. J. (2011). A Long?Run View Of The University Gender Gap In Australia. Australian Economic History Review, 51(3), 254-276. Burns, A., Scott, C. (2013). Mother-headed families and why they have increased. Routledge. De Vaus, D., Gray, M., Qu, L., Stanton, D. (2014). The economic consequences of divorce in Australia. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, ebt014. Halford, W. K., Markman, H. J., Stanley, S. (2008). Strengthening couples' relationships with education: Social policy and public health perspectives. Journal of Family Psychology, 22(4), 497. Heard, G. (2011). Socioeconomic marriage differentials in Australia and New Zealand. Population and Development Review, 37(1), 125-160. Hendershott, P. H., Ong, R., Wood, G. A., Flatau, P. (2009). Marital history and home ownership: Evidence from Australia. Journal of Housing Economics, 18(1), 13-24. Milner, A., Page, A., LaMontagne, A. D. (2013). Duration of unemployment and suicide in Australia over the period 19852006: an ecological investigation by sex and age during rising versus declining national unemployment rates. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 67(3), 237-244. Narayan, P. K., Smyth, R. (2007). What Explains Dissent on the High Court of Australia? An Empirical Assessment Using a Cointegration and Error Correction Approach. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 4(2), 401-425. Reimondos, A., Evans, A., Gray, E. (2011). Living-apart-together (LAT) relationships in Australia. Family matters, (87), 43. Popenoe, D. (2009). Cohabitation, marriage, and child wellbeing: A cross-national perspective. Society, 46(5), 429-436. Vignoli, D., Ferro, I. (2009). Rising marital disruption in Italy and its correlates. Demographic Research, 20, 11.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Group Strategy in Presentation
Question: Discuss about the group strategy in presentation, difficulty encountered in making plan, difficulty in collecting data and information an trying to solve conflicts and disputes? Answer: Introduction The objective of this report is to reflect the group working and learning that I have learnt and absorbed from the carrying out group presentation with our group members. This includes the specific group approach strategy that we used and show troubles that we have encountered during discussion and gaining knowledge in Human Resources Management. Group Strategy in Presentation The improvement of our group strategy in Presentation might by no means be smooth job for group members, it involve a different kinds of peoples for the development of an effective work, because it needs for finding data, collecting information, and communication and discussion for thoughts and effective way for the group presentation. The approach of our work via our organization had used the teamwork strategy to make sure completeness, effective operations, and as well as consistency of works. The teamwork approach for strategy is to allow our organization members to broaden strong our unity and efforts for making better performance, and this enables us to work in group mission from each component to the cease (Erik, 2012). For example, before we start work, we sit down together to talk about the key factors that must be included inside the our presentation, having understanding what specific things ought to be covered in each element, and what information need to be collected for every factors to complete the group work. We work hard on basic format and outline of the presentation files, and we tried together to complete part by part for the group work. For instance, when we are doing the first element in the presentation, one of the our group member became the editor who enter the sentences and phrases into the Microsoft word, and other members correct grammar or information, and discusses whether the data entered are appropriate and suitable to this presentation over an d over. Although this might spend a lot of time for completing the work, as many conflicts might occur, but the quality of the information can be reliable ensured, and avoid the duplication of work if we delegate the work to each of the group member. Difficulty Encountered in making plan During the making plans of the group task, we had faced with problems and issues which are participation of one of our group members. To be detail, we are intended to combine component when every person is finished with their own work. So, we were trying to contact this member to complete our presentation slide files. However, she has ignored message and making excuses for her work. So, these problems and troubles have affected our team and group works, and a few things are related to the difficulty of tasks for understanding work. Conflicts and Disputes The work as group is quite hard workloads and amounts of works that we have to adapt, and consequently it additionally implies the big quantities of group discussions that every group member has to participate in and give opinions, agreements for ideas and data during group discussion. But, disputes and conflicts had typically happened to unexpectedly, going on to trouble our group works; it's always hard for all members to agree at the same ground. Our group members are keeping their suggestion and ideas to be adopted, and consequently this had prompted us to spend longer time issues in discussing each ones data and reviews, and to finally make conclusions to pick and adopt. Now and again, this had brought about the interpersonal conflicts among groups, but we solved this problem effectively (Erik, 2012). Difficulty in collecting data and information The development of group work needs to have considerable amounts of data and information for using to provide reasonable, correct, and reliable information for the high quality of presentation. However, some of information is tough to be received. Consequently, we searched again and again from internet, and to the end we used dependable records and theory for the group paintings (Brian, 2006). For instance, it is tough for us to discover examples and apply concept to examples. As a result, it had led us to spend massive of time to look for data and to support. Slow progress The other issue that we confronted with is the slow progress in development. The factor which induced to the slow progress in the improvement of our group might also due to strategy we used. We agreed to work each component, and then combine the works. When we want to finish our slide documents, but we couldnt finish because one of our group member didnt reply our message. Additionally she was absent regularly. Consequently, we couldnt make a progress for discussion, agreements, also encountered disagreements, and disputes over data and ideas, and this took us taking longer time to finish our work. Trying to solve conflicts and disputes At first, Solving this disputes in the group, we were trying to speak to her because we thought this is the best solution to remind her of how importance it is. Consequently , she told us Dont worry about this! I've already made some work which is about our topic and I will send it to you guys no later than tonight. So we couldnt help trusting her. But she didnt do it. After that, she was absent from class many times. As a result, we didnt have any opportunity to discuss work with her. Therefore, this way turned into no longer working out properly. Second, we notify lecturer of issues what we faced with because we didnt have sufficient time and options. When we got email from Paul Leonard, He advised us to clear up this trouble is one of key elements in assessment. We determined to complete work cooperatively and emailed her about our presentation. Afterwards, she carefully checked and went over group working and we possibly proceed with presentation session. Learning from this presentation To begin with, I think this module is vital to an organization, and in addition to, are significant factors in making an effective and efficient company. By doing this presentation, I have broadened specific expertise and gaining knowledge of from each of the procedure, and how it affected the organisation of success. Specifically, HR is workers required as enter to operate and function the firms; they're the peoples who involved within the business managing (Stone, 2008). Despite the fact that technologies are noticeably placed in todays management of business, but without representatives, it cant be involved in. Therefore, the planning of proper wide variety of workers used to manage a sort of business operation is to ensure the future business operation may successfully make predicted values and benefits. Second, I have learnt from difficulty with one of our group members. To be specific, we faced with issues which are about commitment to group work and this situation will take place to us in actual working environment. So, it made me realise that's we are getting ready for answer of unexpected situation. Sooner or later, if I am confronted with this sort of context, I might solve it better than earlier than. It was found into very useful time to recall it. Conclusion This group presentation for this module had delivered know-how and studying to me and other group members. Although, we confronted issues and troubles, and inducing great intense problems that impacts our relationship, but I though it is elements of the studying in life which meant we should settle problem by analysing. Consequently, I could higher and further understanding of functions of HR in Employment Cycle, and why those are crucial in company. I respect that lecturer had gave us the opportunity to examine through our own development of HRM.
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