Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Practice of Loving Kindness or Metta Defined
The Practice of Loving Kindness or Metta Defined Loving kindness is defined in English dictionaries as a feeling of benevolent affection. But in Buddhism, loving kindness (in Pali, Metta; in Sanskrit, Maitri) is thought of as a mental state or attitude, cultivated and maintained by practice. This cultivation of loving kindness is an essential part of Buddhism. The Theravadin scholar Acharya Buddharakkhita said of Metta, The Pali word metta is a multi-significant term meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, amity, concord, inoffensiveness and non-violence. The Pali commentators define metta as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others (parahita-parasukha-kamana). ... True metta is devoid of self-interest. It evokes within a warm-hearted feeling of fellowship, sympathy and love, which grows boundless with practice and overcomes all social, religious, racial, political and economic barriers. Metta is indeed a universal, unselfish and all-embracing love. Metta often is paired with Karuna, compassion. They are not exactly the same, although the difference is subtle. The classic explanation is that Metta is a wish for all beings to be happy, and Karuna is a wish for all beings to be free from suffering. Wish is probably not the right word, though, because wishing seems passive. It might be more accurate to say directing ones attention or concern to the happiness or suffering of others. Developing loving kindness is essential to doing away with the self-clinging that binds us to suffering (dukkha). Metta is the antidote to selfishness, anger, and fear. Dont Be Nice One of the biggest misunderstandings people have about Buddhists is that Buddhists are always supposed to be nice. But, usually, niceness is only a social convention. Being nice often is about self-preservation and maintaining a sense of belonging in a group. We are nice because we want people to like us, or at least not get angry with us. Theres nothing wrong with being nice, most of the time, but its not the same thing as loving kindness. Remember, Metta is concerned with the genuine happiness of others. Sometimes when people are behaving badly, the last thing they need for their own happiness is someone politely enabling their destructive behavior. Sometimes people need to be told things they dont want to hear; sometimes they need to be shown that what they are doing is not okay. Cultivating Metta His Holiness the Dalai Lama is supposed to have said, This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple. The philosophy is kindness. Thats great, but remember that were talking about a guy who gets up at 3:30 a.m. to make time for meditation and prayers before breakfast. Simple isnt necessarily easy. Sometimes people new to Buddhism will hear about loving kindness, and think, No sweat. I can do that. And they wrap themselves in the persona of a lovingly kind person and go about being very, very nice. This lasts until the first encounter with a rude driver or surly store clerk. As long as your practice is about you being a nice person, you are just play-acting. This may seem paradoxical, but unselfishness begins by gaining insight into yourself and understanding the source of your ill will, irritations, and insensitivity. This takes us to the basics of Buddhist practice, beginning with the Four Noble Truths and the practice of the Eightfold Path. Metta Meditation The Buddhas best-known teaching on Metta is in the Metta Sutta, a sermon in the Sutta Pitaka. Scholars say the sutta (or sutra) presents three ways to practice Metta. The first is applying Metta to day-to-day conduct. The second is Metta meditation. The third is a commitment to embody Metta with full body and mind. The third practice grows from the first two. The several schools of Buddhism have developed several approaches to Metta meditation, often involving visualization or recitation. A common practice is to begin by offering Metta to oneself. Then (over a period of time) Metta is offered to someone in trouble. Then to a loved one, and so on, progressing to someone you dont know well, to someone you dislike, and eventually to all beings. Why begin with yourself? Buddhist teacher Sharon Salzberg said, To reteach a thing its loveliness is the nature of Metta. Through loving kindness, everyone and everything can flower again from within. Because so many of us struggle with doubts and self-loathing, we must not leave ourselves out. Flower from within, for yourself and for everyone.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Learn Multiplication Timestables in 21 Days
How to Learn Multiplication Timestables in 21 Days Lets face it, when you dont know your times tables, it slows down your progress in math. Some things you just have to know and committing the times tables to memory is one of them. Today, were in an information age, information is doubling faster than it ever used to and our math teachers no longer have the luxury of assisting us to learn the times tables. In case you havent noticed, the math curriculum is much larger than it ever was. Students and parents are now left with the task of helping to commit the times tables to memory. So lets get started: Step 1 First of all, you will need to be able to skip count or count by a certain number. For instance 2,4,6,8,10 or 5, 10, 15, 20, 25. Now you will need to use your fingers and skip counting. Remember back in grade 1 when you used to use your fingers to count to 10? Now youll need them to skip-count. For example, use your fingers to count by 10. First finger or thumb is 10, second is 20, third is 30. Therefore 1 x 10 10, 2 x 10 20 and so on and so forth. Why use your fingers? Because its an effective strategy. Any strategy that improves speed with your tables is worth using! Step 2 How many skip counting patterns do you know? Probably the 2s, 5s and 10s. Practice tapping these out on your fingers. Step 3 Now youre ready for the doubles. Once you learn the doubles, you have the counting up strategy. For instance, if you know that 7 x 7 49, then youll count up 7 more to quickly determine that 7 x 8 56. Once again, effective strategies are almost as good as memorizing your facts. Remember, you already know the 2s, 5s and 10s. Now you need to concentrate on 3x3, 4x4, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8 and 9x9. Thats only committing 6 facts to memory! Youre three-quarters of the way there. If you memorize those doubles, youll have an effective strategy to quickly obtain most of the remaining facts! Step 4 Not counting the doubles, you have the 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s and 8s. Once you know what 6x7 is, youll also know what 7x6 is. For the remaining facts (and there arent many) you will want to learn by skip-counting, in fact, use a familiar tune while skip counting! Remember to tap your fingers (just as you did when counting) each time you skip count, this enables you to know which fact youre on. When skip counting by 4s and when youve tapped on the fourth finger, youll know that its the 4x416 fact. Think of Mary Had A Little Lamb in your mind. Now apply 4,8, 12, 16, (Mary had a....)and continue on! Once youve learned to skip-count by 4s as easily as you can by 2s, youre ready for the next fact family. Dont worry if you forget the odd one, you will be able to fall back on your doubling strategy and counting up. Remember, being able to do math well means having great strategies. The above strategies will help you learn the times tables. However, you will need to commit daily time to these strategies to learn your tables in 21 days. Try some of the following: Each day when you wake up, skip count the fact family youre working on.Each time you walk through a doorway, skip count again (silently)Each time you use the washroom, skip count!Each time the phone rings, skip count!During every commercial when youre watching TV, skip count! When you go to bed each night, skip count for 5 minutes.If you stick it out, youll have your tables memorized in 21 days!Here are a few multiplication tricks to help you. Try these worksheets which are developed to correspond to the correct way of learning your multiplication tables.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sucess and Dissapointment Stories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sucess and Dissapointment Stories - Assignment Example However, I realized that looking for her could take several hours and I would miss my assignment deadline with unpleasant consequences for my academic success. I finally decided that I would complete my assignment and then commit as much time as I needed to finding my cat. I rationalized that if I set about looking for my cat first I could end up not finding my cat and also failing my class. However, if I completed my assignment and submitted it on time, I could at least be assured of at least one successful task. Moreover, if I never found my cat, I would suffer for a while but I would recover eventually. But if I failed my class, it would have far reaching consequences for my future career. In other words, proportionality won out in the end. I completed my paper and submitted it on time. Relieved of the pressure of time constraints I was able to freely look for my cat and did in fact find her and bring her home. STORY SUMMARY: Prioritizing time and resources can be difficult when one relies on self-discipline and there is no external supervision. In the scenario described above I had to consider proportionality with respect to long-term consequences of prioritizing one task over the other. By taking this approach I was able to manage my time and resources productively and ended up accomplishing both tasks. FULL STORY: I purchased a wireless mouse for my computer and after only a few days it stopped working altogether. Unfortunately, I had disposed of the original packaging and could not find my receipt evidencing its purchase. I telephoned the retail store and explained my dilemma, but was informed that without a receipt, I would not be able to return the product unless it was credit or debit card purchase. Since the transaction had been made by cash, I had no chance of returning the defective mouse. Even so, I went to the store myself and asked for an audience with the store’s manager. Once
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Case study (Starbucks) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
(Starbucks) - Case Study Example This strategy creates new business opportunity for Starbucks. By increasing the efficiency of the baristas in terms of delivering the order of its valued customers within the shortest period of time possible and maintaining the cleanliness and friendliness of the staff who are working within Starbucks coffee shops also creates competitive advantage for the company. Almost a decade ago, Starbucks has been focused on saturating the domestic market in the U.S. Since the company has already saturated the U.S. market, Starbucks began expanding its business within the global markets. Since anybody can easily establish their own coffee shop, competition within the coffee industry is very tight. As explained by Porter (1998, p. 1), competitive advantage is referring to the â€Å"search for a favorable competitive position within a particular industry†. Using the four major assumptions we have mentioned earlier, Starbucks management was able to successfully develop a competitive advantage in terms of improving the quality of services the company has been extending to its valued customers. There is a very tight market competition with regards to domestic and global markets of coffee products. In line with this, rivalry within the coffee industry is tight due to the fact that the capital requirements in putting up a coffee shop are not so expensive. This makes barriers to entry within the local and international coffee industry low. Since anybody can easily sell brewed coffee, the threat for substitute products is very high. Improving Starbuck’s services increases its market share within the coffee industry. Therefore, the company has gained more power over its suppliers. Since the company is able to purchase its raw materials by bulk, Starbucks is able to purchase its raw materials at a relatively low price. Considering that there are a lot of existing coffee shops around
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Knowing Your Audience and Communication Release Essay Example for Free
Knowing Your Audience and Communication Release Essay On August 5, 2010, The Chilean Copper mine collapse with 33 workers confined in a 2,257 feet hole, which was the size of a mini studio apartment (msnbc.com news services, 2010). Their families, friends, and co-workers were worried frantically about their safety, and not being able to reach the miners left everyone at unease. The Rescuers and the Chilean Copper president’s came together to find a resolution as to the cause of this situation and how to rescue their employees. Families and co-workers of these miners have questions that wanted immediate answers, and it is the companies responsibly to provide answers. The company should have a plan of emergency action for these types of incident and be implemented in training programs when hired or promoted. There should be reputable spokesperson on hand to communicate with families, co-workers, and the media. The first action to take place is to immediately control the situation, and prevent any rumors from uprising through the workplace or the media. Have somebody Reputable from the company to hold a face to face verbal meeting explaining what emergency incident just occurred and what the companies’ plan of action is going to be. It is important to present only facts to this meeting so that there are no assumptions as to what is really taking place. Be honest, open, clear and concise in these meeting so the audience can listen and decode the message the spokesperson is conveying. The spokesperson should be able to answer all questions presented to the room, as long as the spokesperson has evidence to back it up. Otherwise, being honest and saying, â€Å"we are looking into that,†is the best option for this type of situation. If the company has a morning and evening shift, then having the meeting write when both shifts are about to cross would be an effective way to control any rumors, explain the situation, and answer any questions. This will save time so the company can delegate the situation currently on hand. The second action is to have another reputable spokesperson to notify the minors’ families of the incident. The first step to communicating to the miners loved ones is by phone and then a face-to-face verbal communication should take place. It is important to be sympathetic and compassionate when relaying this type of information to the families. Calling each miners emergency contact would be the start but should not provide too much information over the phone, but just ask the family or friend to come down to the job site immediately. Providing information over the phone can create media attention rapidly and cause panic to the person. Hold a meeting as soon as the miner’s family and friends have arrived and provide information that the company has facts on. Do not delude the people in thinking, the situation is worse or better than what the facts actually say, but be honest and clear about the situation. It is a good idea to have a mediator around if the company decides to have a verbally conversation that is one on one with a family member, and this will prevent any rumors as well. Inform the employees and families that it is in the best interest for the company and the families of the miners to avoid answering questions to the media. When speaking to the media without knowing all the facts or going based on what you heard without fully researching the situation can lead to panic and discomfort for the families and loved ones. For instance, in the situation the media publicly announced on August 26, 2010 that it would take the rescuer’s four months to rescue the miners. However, According to msnbc.com news services (2010), Health Minister Jaime Manalich said, they would not be rescued before the Fiestas Patrai’s,†and Fiestas Patrai’s is Chiles Independence Day celebration, held on September 18. That is only forty-four days, and a big difference from 120 d ays. Preventing the media from misleading reports can be achieved by avoiding the media. The company should offer counseling to the families and co-workers to help deal with this situation, and provide any assistance to make this incident go smoother for them. After the company has all the facts and knows what they are facing then have a reputable spokesperson address the media, family, friends, and co-workers with all the facts at hand. This will help all parties understand what they are in for and to start dealing with the situation at hand. Keeping the all parties informed throughout the rescue process though meetings or the media is important. Having somebody from the company to go to the miners loved ones face to face or calling them to ensure that they are well, is a great way to provide answer to the individual parties. This situation affects everyone, families, friends, co-workers, and global. It is never easy to try to control and sustain a crisis like this but avoiding rumors, which are usually just opinions from others around, can help everybody. The miners loved ones just have one care in the world, that is getting them out safe and healthy, and that is all that should matter, but sometimes the media likes to turn embellish the truth. The important thing in this type of situation is too continual to provide information to all parties so they are properly informed. It is better to hear from the people who are actually in the rescue process rather than an outside source. This will provide all parties some ease to their pain even if it is not good information; at least they understand the situation. Reference msnbc.com news services. (2010). Drill breaks through to trapped Chilean miners. Retrieved from http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39558833/ns/world_news-americas/t/drill-breaks-through-trapped-chilean-miners/
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Overworked Americans :: Materialism Materialistic Society Essays
â€Å"There is the constant pressure from our materialistic society to get nice cars, big TV’s, and brand-name clothes. So, what if we can’t afford the nicest cars and other items? We can now use financing and credit cards to get thrown deep into debt,†Michael*, a financial consultant from Northeastern Pennsylvania said. He said people are forced to work longer hours and get multiple jobs to pay off their debt. The expensive products create stress and lead to family problems, including verbal and physical abuse, he said. Americans are overworked and recognize the need for reduced job hours, but are addicted to spending money, he said. Michael said he has difficulty juggling his high-pressure job with a personal life, yet still insists on creating time for his family and friends. â€Å"There should always be time to try to relax and cool off after tough days, and I consider it imperative to do so,†he said. He said that people need to recognize that work correlates with their family and friends, and it is important to balance work with a social life. Kristen Randall, 22, of Rumson, New Jersey is a recent college graduate at the beginning of her career. She said she has minimal expenses at this stage in her life and works 40 hours each week. Randall said she would need an additional job if she had more bills to pay. â€Å"A lot of Americans need to work overtime because they have minimum wage jobs and these jobs don’t pay enough for them to make a living,†she said. Long work hours lend little time for leisure, which Randall said is an essential aspect of a person’s overall health. She said that people who repeatedly work overtime are too tired to exercise or spend time with family members. â€Å"When a person doesn’t have enough time to relax or participate in activities that they are interested in, they tend to be in a bad mood and take less care of themselves,†Randall said. She said that households with two working parents are sometimes forced to send their children to daycare, where they sacrifice quality time together and lose some control in raising their children. â€Å"If people are sacrificing a great deal because of their job, they are probably more likely to be unhappy. They may be tired and stressed out. This makes them less likely to be productive, pleasant employees,†Randall said. Daljinder Mann, a sales employee in Somerville, MA, attributed Americans’ increased working hours to the rising cost of living.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Health vs Wealth
WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT A Introduction: The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by the two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. But from my point of view I think health is more important at every stage of our ongoing life. Basically there are lot of logic behind both the importance of health and wealth. But I think the logic behind health is more reasonable for its importance in our life. I believe this is because health is often taken for granted. Only when someone has become serious ill do people realize the true importance of their health and the health of their friends and family. Overview on health Health: Being physically healthy is of prime importance in life. Being ill or not feeling well can drastically affect your work. Obviously, if you feel physically and mentally healthy, you can be more productive. A person can be said to possess good health when he is free from any sort of physical or mental disease. This then becomes the most priced possession for man and something that even money can’t buy. Money can buy you medicines but it can’t buy you health just like money can buy you books but it can’t buy you knowledge. It has been scientifically proven that being physically active provides a seemingly endless number of overall health benefits to all of us. If we have health, we probably will be happy and if we have both health and happiness we have all the wealth we need. Health and intellect are two blessings of life. Happiness lies first of all in health. So, nutrients are directly related with energy and energy is essential for health. In order to achieve and maintain good health there is a certain guide of do’s and don’ts that you have to follow some activities. They are having sufficient and nutritious food, doing regular exercise, having proper sleeping habit etc. all these habits will result to a good health or a healthy person. Again some bad habits (Such as smoking, drinking, having junk food etc) are forbidden in order to have good health. 0verview on wealth Wealth: It is the ability of fully experiencing life. It is true that wealth will not make a person good, but there is nobody who wants to be poor, just for being good. And as Benjamin Franklin says â€Å"Wealth is not his, that has it, but his that enjoys it†. However, there is a tendency of large number of people to run after wealth. They work to gather more and more wealth. In this process they ignore their health. They do not take care in eating food at the right time. In the process of gathering more wealth, they also undergo a lot of stress. So many people spend their health in gaining wealth and then spend their wealth to regain their health. Without wealth it is not possible to have luxurious life. Although luxurious life can not bring happiness in life, most people are willing to have it. Again to have a better and higher education wealth is essential. Though wealth can’t make us happy, it is very essential to maintain a modern society and culture. Nowadays people are becoming very stylish. In order to follow modern fashion, style and technology wealth is essential. Above all I can say though wealth helps to maintain society and culture, but it can not make us fit. Health is More Important than Wealth Two things which are always on our mind are Health and Wealth. They are of utmost importance to all of us. Health and Wealth decide the quality of life we lead. If we want to lead a happy life, wealth and health are both important. The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by these two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. It is very difficult to decide whether ‘health’ or ‘wealth’ is more important as both of them have enough logic behind their importance. But as I found more strong logic behind the importance of ‘health’ my opinion is â€Å"Health is more and more important than wealth†. Thus, it stands to reason that health leads to happiness much more than wealth. Therefore, health is more important than wealth. secret to happiness: I’ve noticed that people who are truly content with life are enthusiastic with what they do. This enthusiasm, along with good health, is the key to being happy. It also leads to self confidence and fulfillment in life too. It may also lead to success, wealth, and achievements. money cant buy happiness: Sure, there are a lot of people who enjoy earning money, yet they might not have much money or not be happy with their money that they already earned. I have a particular greedy friend who fits this description perfectly. I noticed that these types of people have much more satisfaction talking about how much money they earned, overtime hours collected, or money saved; rather than just being happy with their money. As a result, I think that the happiness from greed of wealth is very temporary, because greedy people can never have enough money. Health’-Precious gift of Allah: Health is the precious gift of God. However, it is our responsibility to take certain steps to make best use of this gift because a deteriorating body and mind is something that snatches away the charms of life. The charms of life are contained within the perimeters of maintaining good health. We all have seen movies and real l ive events where people are fighting for freedom. It is however important for us to understand that with freedom comes along with responsibility. When freedom is gained and that responsibility is not undertaken then injustice prevails. Much in the same way you are responsible for your own health. One does have the freedom of choice to live as they want but their physical bodies have rights over them. These rights must be accounted for by the individual if he is wants to be considered as a just person. It is highly naive to place the responsibility of maintaining good health on your doctor. Sure, there are a lot of people who enjoy earning money, yet they might not have much money or not be happy with their money that they already earned. I have a particular greedy friend who fits this description perfectly. I oticed that these types of people have much more satisfaction talking about how much money they earned, overtime hours collected, or money saved; rather than just being happy with their money. As a result, I think that the happiness from greed of wealth is very temporary, because greedy people can never have enough money. There are other types of people who are very materialistic. I have several friends that c ontinuously buy new toys (such as a new car, computer, camera, electronics, etc. ) and lavish entertainment expenses (such as vacations, dinner at expensive restaurants, etc. way more often than their actual needs or long term affordability. These people always appear to thoroughly enjoy their new toys yet continuously have little or no savings. Unfortunately, their new toys quickly become not so new any more, and a new toy is needed to feel temporarily happy again. In actuality, this is more of a distraction from the really important things in life, and not true happiness or contentment. Therefore, money can not buy happiness. True happiness is what people do with their life, their family, their friends, and everyone’s health. Money is a means to do more and live longer, yet quantity is seldom better than quality. Depression: When serious people concentrate mostly on serious issues that are mostly out of their control, they tend to become more depressed. Decision Making: When someone is full of stress, worry, anxiety, and depression, they are less clearheaded to think logically and carefully. Furthermore, these people tend to accomplish less too, since they are so preoccupied. Boredom: Serious individuals tend to become more bored with mundane tasks. They prefer to work on more important tasks and solve problems instead. Some example: ?When you feel ill, you stay in bed. You can get up and perform a few essential tasks, but that zaps your energy and slows your recovery time, but if they must be done because no-one is looking after you, then that is how it is. ?Now, if you were a Gangster, losing your health would cost you a lot, unless you were Mafia Boss. ?If you were a ruler of any kind, Queen, Company President, etc. you might get away with it, but you would still be worrying about some vassal or other trying to cheat you, and that costs a lot in recovery points too. As a super-productive person, such as one who needs to be physically fit or mentally alert all the time, no health equals no chance. If an athlete became seriously ill, it would be a big blow, if not an end, to his or her career. ?Without our health we are nothing, even normal folks can't work when they are sick, or more importantly can't enjoy life. And their families and friends suffer a lot too; that all costs. ?When you are ill, y ou use up your power points by turning them in them into healing energy. And you use up more points trying to help your loved ones cope with your condition. Or trying to still stay in your â€Å"game†whether that be business, farming, whatever! Nobody is happy; there is no positive wealth coming in, and things just get heavier and harder (poorer) until you recover. ?The saying is not about catching the odd cold or having flu, but you can see for yourself how zapped you become under those conditions. ?It has more to do with serious disease, mental, spiritual and emotional, as well as physical. That is when it makes sense. Conclusion: The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by the two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. But from my point of view I think health is more important at every stage of our ongoing life. Basically there are lot of logic behind both the importance of health and wealth. But I think the logic behind health is more reasonable for its importance in our life. In the world we see men who have a lot of wealth but they are not happy. Though they have a luxurious lifestyle but they couldn’t have a peaceful and normal life. It is proven that happiness does not come always through luxury. It is also seen that their wealth has brought luxury but has driven away their happiness. On the other hand a poor man like a beggar or a rickshaw puller or a day labor who has a sound health may be contented and may taste happiness in their life. They are not the slave of wealth rather they remain happy with what ever amount they have earned. They can enjoy a sound sleep at night because they do not have any exces THE END
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Familiar Writing Style
Speech without circumlocution sometimes can hurt others' heart. – tact: n. The ability to do or say things without offending or upsetting other people Ex) SAT evaluates students' tact to understand a college level education. 6. Appeal to authority: citation of information from people recognized for their special knowledge of a subject for the purpose of strengthening a speaker or writers arguments.Causal relationship: of, involving, or constituting a cause in a relationship; cause and effect relationships Declamation: a rhetorical exercise or set speech. Capricious: given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. Conciliatory: intended or likely to placate or pacify. Contemplative: expressing or involving prolonged thought. Glib: (of words or the person speaking them) fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow. Linguistic: the scientific study of language and its structure, including the duty of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics.Pretentious: attempt ing to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc. , than is actually possessed. Strident: loud and harsh; grating. 7. L. The author put an anecdote about general misconceptions of familiar writing style on line 1-3. By criticizing the ideas which are opposite to his statement, his thesis can gain more power. This skill is the reduction to absurdity. II. The author used an antithesis on line 7-10. The author emphasized his idea through contrasting his idea with wrong conception.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Heat Engine Lab Essay Example
Heat Engine Lab Essay Example Heat Engine Lab Paper Heat Engine Lab Paper Heat engine lab Intro: when an engine runs, it pumps pistons that move up and down and provide energy to the engine to it to go. These pistons move because of pressure and heat. This work done on the system is not only mechanical but its also thermodynamic. When a piston undergoes one full cycle its displacement is zero because it comes back to its resting place. This means that its net thermodynamic work to be done should also be zero, as well as its total internal energy. In order to test this experiment is setup with the purpose of verifying that the mechanical work done in ifting a mass, m, through a vertical distance, h, is equal to the net thermal dynamic work done during a cycle by a mass lifting the heat engine. If we calculate the values for thermodynamic work and mechanical work they should be the same. Once these values are calculated they will be compared to each other and the conclusion will be drawn. Analysis: Once the results were printed, some values had to be calculated and compared to one another. The first value needed was the Thermodynamic Work on the system hich was founded by the equation: With=(pi(dA2))/4*(Pb-Pa)*(hc-hb). Where d was given to be 32. 5mm, Pb and Pa where the pressures at the points B and A measured in kPA, and hb and hc are the heights of the piston at point B and C. This comes out to be: Wth= 1. 37EA-2J. Next, the mechanical work had to be calculated using the equation: Wm= mgh. Where m is the mass in kg, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the change in height from B to C. This comes out to be: Wm= 1. 47EA-2J. When compared together these values should be identical because a Joule is a Joule s a Joule and the values shouldnt change. These reigns true with this experiment because of how close these values truly are to each other. Questions: 1). The temperatures do change from B to C and from D to A 2). Yes there is thermodynamic work done from B to C which is positive, and from D to A which is negative. 3). Internal energy of the system has no change because it came back to its starting place; this also is true for the net thermodynamic work done. Conclusion: In conclusion our experiment was a success. Once the experiment was run and the esults were printed, the values for thermodynamic work and mechanical work were calculated using the previous mentioned equation. When these values were composed to each other they were extremely close in value. These numbers were supposed to be identical thus its impossible to calculated the percent error because you can divide by zero. All though the percent error cant be calculated these were still extremely close to each other which shows that the experiment was a success and the purpose was proven right. heat engine lab By nlarocco
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Calcite and Aragonite in Earths Carbon Cycle
Calcite and Aragonite in Earth's Carbon Cycle You may think of carbon as an element that on Earth is found mainly in living things (that is, in organic matter) or in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Both of those geochemical reservoirs are important, of course, but the vast majority of carbon is locked up in carbonate minerals. These are led by calcium carbonate, which takes two mineral forms named calcite and aragonite. Calcium Carbonate Minerals in Rocks Aragonite and calcite have the same chemical formula, CaCO3, but their atoms are stacked in different configurations. That is, they are polymorphs. (Another example is the trio of kyanite, andalusite, and sillimanite.) Aragonite has an orthorhombic structure and calcite a trigonal structure. Our gallery of carbonate minerals covers the basics of both minerals from the rockhounds viewpoint: how to identify them, where theyre found, some of their peculiarities. Calcite is more stable in general than aragonite, although as temperatures and pressures change one of the two minerals may convert to the other. At surface conditions, aragonite spontaneously turns into calcite over geologic time, but at higher pressures aragonite, the denser of the two, is the preferred structure. High temperatures work in calcites favor. At surface pressure, aragonite cant endure temperatures above around 400Â °C for long. High-pressure, low-temperature rocks of the blueschist metamorphic facies often contain veins of aragonite instead of calcite. The process of turning back to calcite is slow enough that aragonite can persist in a metastable state, similar to diamond. Sometimes a crystal of one mineral converts to the other mineral while preserving its original shape as a pseudomorph: it may look like a typical calcite knob or aragonite needle, but the petrographic microscope shows its true nature. Many geologists, for most purposes, dont need to know the correct polymorph and just talk about carbonate. Most of the time, the carbonate in rocks is calcite. Calcium Carbonate Minerals in Water Calcium carbonate chemistry is more complicated when it comes to understanding which polymorph will crystallize out of solution. This process is common in nature, because neither mineral is highly soluble, and the presence of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) in water pushes them toward precipitating. In water, CO2 exists in balance with the bicarbonate ion, HCO3, and carbonic acid, H2CO3, all of which are highly soluble. Changing the level of CO2 affects the levels of these other compounds, but the CaCO3 in the middle of this chemical chain pretty much has no choice but to precipitate as a mineral that cant dissolve quickly and return to the water. This one-way process is a major driver of the geological carbon cycle. Which arrangement the calcium ions (Ca2) and carbonate ions (CO32–) will choose as they join into CaCO3 depends on conditions in the water. In clean fresh water (and in the laboratory), calcite predominates, especially in cool water. Cavestone formations are generally calcite. Mineral cements in many limestones and other sedimentary rocks are generally calcite. The ocean is the most important habitat in the geological record, and calcium carbonate mineralization is an important part of oceanic life and marine geochemistry. Calcium carbonate comes directly out of solution to form mineral layers on the tiny round particles called ooids and to form the cement of seafloor mud. Which mineral crystallizes, calcite or aragonite, depends on the water chemistry. Seawater is full of ions that compete with calcium and carbonate. Magnesium (Mg2) clings to the calcite structure, slowing down the growth of calcite and forcing itself into calcites molecular structure, but it doesnt interfere with aragonite. Sulfate ion (SO4–) also suppresses calcite growth. Warmer water and a larger supply of dissolved carbonate favor aragonite by encouraging it to grow faster than calcite can. Calcite and Aragonite Seas These things matter to the living things that build their shells and structures out of calcium carbonate. Shellfish, including bivalves and brachiopods, are familiar examples. Their shells are not pure mineral, but intricate mixtures of microscopic carbonate crystals bound together with proteins. The one-celled animals and plants classified as plankton make their shells, or tests, the same way. Another important factor appears to be that algae benefit from making carbonate by ensuring themselves a ready supply of CO2 to help with photosynthesis. All of these creatures use enzymes to construct the mineral they prefer. Aragonite makes needlelike crystals whereas calcite makes blocky ones, but many species can make use of either. Many mollusk shells use aragonite on the inside and calcite on the outside. Whatever they do uses energy, and when ocean conditions favor one carbonate or the other, the shell-building process takes extra energy to work against the dictates of pure chemistry. This means that changing the chemistry of a lake or the ocean penalizes some species and advantages others. Over geologic time the ocean has shifted between aragonite seas and calcite seas. Today were in an aragonite sea that is high in magnesium- it favors the precipitation of aragonite plus calcite thats high in magnesium. A calcite sea, lower in magnesium, favors low-magnesium calcite. The secret is fresh seafloor basalt, whose minerals react with magnesium in seawater and pull it out of circulation. When plate tectonic activity is vigorous, we get calcite seas. When its slower and spreading zones are shorter, we get aragonite seas. Theres more to it than that, of course. The important thing is that the two different regimes exist, and the boundary between them is roughly when magnesium is twice as abundant as calcium in seawater. The Earth has had an aragonite sea since roughly 40 million years ago (40 Ma). The most recent previous aragonite sea period was between late Mississippian and early Jurassic time (about 330 to 180 Ma), and next going back in time was the latest Precambrian, before 550 Ma. In between these periods, Earth had calcite seas. More aragonite and calcite periods are being mapped out farther back in time. Its thought that over geologic time, these large-scale patterns have made a difference in the mix of organisms that built reefs in the sea. The things we learn about carbonate mineralization and its response to ocean chemistry are also important to know as we try to figure out how the sea will respond to human-caused changes in the atmosphere and climate.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Images of Los Angeles presented in What We Do Is Secret Essay
Images of Los Angeles presented in What We Do Is Secret - Essay Example The scenarios and images describe surroundings and the state of life in Los Angeles. With that respect, this paper will base arguments and comparison of images of Los Angeles in the film ‘what we do is secret’. To begin with, the writer of the film what we do is secret Michelle Baer chooses words as infamous and legendary to describe Darby but rationally the words reflect on the image of the city of Los Angeles in the 1970’s. This shows that, even though the city of Los Angeles was infamous, it was also a legendary city. In the film, Darby and the rest of the Germ rock band crew present issues related to naivety, peculiarity, feebleness, as well as brilliance. These characteristics ultimately depict presence of real and true misfit of the city of Los Angeles. To some extent, the city appears to have some degree of negligence as showcased by the wretched life of young adults (Samudio and Lee 57). This is because, the Germs are cognitively high school dropouts, bad behaved, and careless drug users. Secondly, the images in the film are photographic tribute paid to the city of Los Angeles. It provides a fascinating journey through the cultural, sociological, political, and the industrial history of the city of Los Angeles. ... Additionally, this book gives a stern representation of the city of Los Angeles in all its grits and glory via events that made the world such as the two Olympics, the Rodney King riots, and the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. All these events reveal that Los Angeles is a city of many dimensions. Moreover, the film describes the city of Los Angeles as the world’s entertainment capital, Hollywood, and showcases a variety of celebrities along with a number of notable residents that include architects, musicians, and artists. The film highlights in-depth condition of pop cultural movements of Los Angeles together with the state of music (Banham 168). The Germ bandleader, Darby knows not his biological father. On the other end, his mother is an alcoholic and his elder brother dies from heroin overdose. His school life portrays him as an avid reader who against all odds comprehensively develops into a frighteningly intelligent student. Presumably, the overall life feature of Darby displays and compares the state of art and the status of education system within the city of Los Angeles. The book ‘what we do is secret’ depicts the city of Los Angeles through contrasting points of view. For instance, it covers the city’s state of social life in conjunction with its status of its pop cultural movements. These conditions display contradicting issues since the book stretches its length to show presence of the city’s state of music, state of food fads, gangs, surfing, and hot rods. In short, it portrays the condition of food, which is healthy, state of music however associated with behaviors that lead to drug abuse, as well as the city’s
Friday, November 1, 2019
Bubbles by Chris Martenson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Bubbles by Chris Martenson - Essay Example The 2007 housing bubble is a recent example of a bubble that has affected the American economy and the rest of the world. The author has shown that although the bubble started way back in 1998, it was still never stopped. As the author narrates, bubbles have their way around with the people. In other words, people always tend to get tricked into believing that things will be different. Based on the video, it is obvious that bubbles can be avoided if people stopped being guided by the false illusion that â€Å"this time, things will be different.†In addition, in the United States, the Federal Reserve failed in its duty to protect the public against the housing bubble. Even when the signs of the bubble started to show, the Federal Reserve continued to lower interest rates. It was rather using researches to convince the public that the housing was not going to create an asset bubble. From this, the video points to the importance of having an effective central bank system in prev enting such economic catastrophes. In the United States, the Federal Reserve failed to act on the problem before it became too big. Finally, the video shows that an asset bubble is just an indicator of a bigger problem. The housing bubble was just an indicator of increased borrowing. There was an increase in debt from $27 trillion in 2000 to $48 trillion in 2007. This shows how asset bubbles affect other sectors of the economy. In addition, bubbles are destructive because people/organizations tend to make the wrong investments.
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